Digital invoicing
Digital invoicing
An ever increasing number of companies have been switching to digital invoicing.
According to the Value Added Tax Act invoices sent by email contain the same mandatory data as paper invoices. The Tax Simplification Act of 2011 allows companies to send invoices by email even without digital signature and EDI procedure.

If you would like to receive your invoices in pdf format by email, please register for digital invoicing by filling in our registration form.

To simplify the registration process as much as possible, please use a current invoice to fill in the form.

  • Customer number – your EWIKON customer number
  • Invoice number – the invoice number of a current EWIKON invoice
  • Email address (confirmation email) – this email address is required to confirm your entries and in case we need to contact you
  • Email address (invoicing) – digital invoices will be sent to this email address

Your data
Die Kundennummer darf nur aus Zahlen bestehen und muss 5 oder 6 Stellen lang sein
Die Rechnungsnummer darf nur aus Zahlen bestehen und muss 8 Stellen lang sein
Die eingegebene E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig
Die eingegebene E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig